
362. 362 – Osoul of India, hide thyself no longer with the darkened Pandits 1 of the Kaliyuga in the kitchen and the chapel, veil not thyself with the soulless rite, the obsolete law and the unblessed money of the Dakshina;2 but seek in thy soul, ask of God and recover thy true Brahminhood and Kshatriyahood with the eternal Veda; restore the hidden truth of the Vedic sacrifice, return to the fulfilment of an older and mightier Vedanta.
This is to free us from so-called religious conventions which tell us what to do and what not to do. We must recover the true wisdom and receive directly from the Divine the precise indications for living in and for the Truth.
2 March 1970
1 Scholars and interpreters of sacred texts. (vissza)
2 Offering made by the devotee to the brahmin priest. (vissza)