
303 – The mediaeval ascetics hated women and thought they were created by God for the temptation of monks. One may be allowed to think more nobly both of God and of woman.
304 – If a woman has tempted thee, is it her fault or thine? Be not a fool and a self-deceiver.
305 – There are two ways of avoiding the snare of woman; one is to shun allwomen and the other to love all beings.
What should be the ideal of a modern woman in ordinary life?
In ordinary life, women can have all the ideas they like, it is not very important. (Later, Mother added, “For women, in ordinary life, the ideal is good health and harmony.”)
From the spiritual point of view, men and women are equal in their capacity to realise the Divine. Each one must do so in his (or her) own way and according to his (or her) own possibilities.
25 January 1970