
295 – Be not deceived by men’s shows of virtue, neither disgusted by their open or secret vices. These things are the necessary shufflings in a long transition-period of humanity.
296 – Be not repelled by the world’s crookednesses; the world is a wounded and venomous snake wriggling towards a destined off-sloughing and perfection. Wait, for it is a divine wager; and out of this baseness, God will emerge brilliant and triumphant.
Sri Aurobindo tells us that man is a transitional being and that from all the sufferings of the world will emerge a being of light capable of manifesting the Divine.
Thus, all those who are not satisfied with the world as it is, know that their aspiration does not rise in vain and that the world is changing.
If consecration and effort are associated with the aspiration, things will move faster.
22 January 1970