
283 – O Death, our masked friend and maker of opportunities, when thou wouldst open the gate, hesitate not to tell us beforehand; for we are not of those who are shaken by its iron jarring.
284 – Death is sometimes a rude valet; but when he changes this robe of earth for that brighter raiment, his horseplay and impertinences can be pardoned.
285 – Who shall slay thee,Osoul immortal? Who shall torture thee, O God ever-joyous?
Why has death been associated with sorrow ever since the beginning?
Human ignorance and egoism are the cause of sorrow. But this sorrow has also played its part in the evolution of humanity.
13 January 1970
What part has sorrow played in the evolution of humanity?
Sorrow, desire, suffering, ambition and every other similar reaction in the feelings and sensations have all contributed to make consciousness emerge from the inconscience and to awaken this consciousness to the will for progress.
14 January 1970