
425 – The next greatest rapture to the love of God, is the love of God inmen; there, too, one has the joy ofmultiplicity.
426 – For monogamy may be the best for the body, but the soul that loves God in men dwells here always as the boundless and ecstatic polygamist; yet all the time— that is the secret—it is in love with only one being.
427 – The whole world is my seraglio and every living being and inanimate existence in it is the instrument of my rapture.
Someone who has experienced love for the Divine can no longer love anything but the Divine, and it is the Divine he loves in all those for whom he feels affection; besides, this is the best way to love, because in this way one can be a powerful help for others to become conscious of the Divine who manifests in them.
27 March 1970