
327 – India had three fortresses of a communal life, the village community, the larger joint family and the orders of the Sannyasins; all these are broken or breaking with the stride of egoistic conceptions of social life; but is not this after all only the breaking of these imperfect moulds on the way to a larger and diviner communism?
328 – The individual cannot be perfect until he has surrendered all he now calls himself to the divine Being. So also, until mankind gives all it has to God, never shall there be a perfected society.
Sri Aurobindo writes here in a clear and definite way what I tried to express before: no perfection can be attained so long as the government of the Supreme Lord is not recognised and admitted everywhere and in all things.
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Liberty can only be manifested when all men know the liberty of the Supreme Lord.
Equality can only be manifested when all men become conscious of the Supreme Lord.
Fraternity can only be manifested when men feel that they are equally born of the Supreme Lord and one in His Oneness.
9 February 1970