
265 – If thy aim be great and thy means small, still act; for by action alone these can increase to thee.
266 – Care not for time and success. Act out thy part, whether it be to fail or to prosper.
267 – There are three forms inwhich the command may come, the will and faith in thy nature, thy ideal on which heart and brain are agreed and the voice of Himself or His angels.
268 – There are times when action is unwise or impossible; then go into Tapasya 1 in some physical solitude or in the retreats of thy soul and await whatever divine word or manifestation.
269 – Leap not too quickly at all voices, for there are lying spirits ready to deceive thee; but let thy heart be pure and afterwards listen.
It is indeed of utmost importance not to accept each and every voice as coming from the Divine, because one is liable to obey the command of an imposter. There is only one guarantee which is a complete absence of all personal desire, even the desire of serving the Divine, and the fact of being immersed in a total peace. Only then can one be sure of one’s discernment.
3 January 1970
1 Austerity, spiritual discipline. (vissza)